It all started when I left work at 4:30 pm.
The road heading toward 66 was icy and slippery. I made it to 66 safe and sound and felt good because I assumed that 66 would have been salted or plowed... SOMETHING! Nothing, nothing was done to 66 at all. Luckily I was against traffic, well this was not the case when everyone and their mom wants to get home. It was slow but cars were moving.
5:30 pm I get off 66 and ended up taking the Centerville Rd exit because 66 was starting to get really backed up and I did not want to even try the FFX Co. PKWY further down and worry about getting stuck on the ramp. After this exit is where things got ridiculous. (I did notice my lights flashing inside my car, the radio was in and out and the lights in the dash were going in and out).
Once I could see the first light off the exit on 28 (Centerville Rd), I was so excited, I knew I would be home soon, no worries about this 1.5 hour commute, I was almost there. At this time my mom called to see if I was okay, I told her I was half way there. Well moments after this phone call my car got stuck in ice. I realized that I was not the only one who was stuck, this was the case with everyone ahead and to the side of me. I rolled down my window to hear people talking about getting people our of the way. I then decided to yell out, "HELP". I needed to get out!
An Asian man ( GOD BLESS HIM ) came to the rescue. Rolling my car in reverse and forward was not doing the trick. He pushed my car for about 15 minutes with my help of moving my car back and forth. I reversed and went forward slowly and this simple, quite, kind man pushed my car though the light and I just kept going, NO RED LIGHT was going to stop me. I rolled the window down again and waived like I have never waived before and yelled out, "THANK YOU". I wish I could have seen out my back window, but due to the inclement weather, I was unable to see the man's smiling face after he saved me.
At this point I was drying my eyes, because I started to get emotional thinking that I would be stuck forever... yes FOREVER!
Once again, I felt at this point, it would be a bit easier to get through the roads because nothing could top what just happened. I was wrong, I finally got on Braddock Road, my favorite road.
"GEMINI, you will make it, GEMINI we have been through worse". I was chanting this as I was making my way down the road about to pass Shirley Gate Road. All of a sudden, my car slid in slow motion (it is always in slow motion) and I hit the curb to the right and almost knocked down a mailbox. The weight of the car hitting the curb was so bad that the SRS light kept flashing. I had a minor panic attack because the airbags could have gone off but they did not! To top this off I had already been noticing my car lights inside acting funny, plus my radio was out. GREAT! Roughly, about 10 minutes of yelling and rocking my car back and forth I finally got out. I was so determined to get home, that I would have pushed my car all the way home if I could.
6:45 pm roads were still bad, not much had changed... I made it to the 123 intersection and sat in my car for another full hour, yes one whole hour, which was worse then anything before this... My car was about to die, yes DIE. It needs either a new battery or alternator... whatever that is. So by the grace of GOD, my car was able to slide into the gas station at University Mall, I parked it, dropped off my keys and requested a call in the morning to tell me what the heck is wrong with my car. The mechanic was there, who lives in Triangle, VA ( HE IS NEVER GETTING HOME), said he would do his best to see what is going on and call me tomorrow.
7:55 pm Started to walk home from the gas station in 3 inch HIGH HEELED BOOTS. You all know how I roll, IN CLASS! I walked in the snow UP HILL in high heeled boots.
Got home at 8:30 pm and laid in bed to call people to tell them about a series of unfortunate events during this awful, awful day. I am not going to work tomorrow...