Sunday, October 24, 2010

19 and Counting

I have been so intrigued with watching 17 and Counting, 18 and Counting and so forth.  The Duggar Family has 19 kids currently.  I have known about this family so some time, however never watched the show until recently.  This is all I want to watch now, seriously...  I love witnessing the family dynamics on this show.  I personally could never pop out 19 kids...  10 kids at that!  It works for them.  Yes, they can handle 19 children, they all work as a team raising them!!  It bothered me at first, the older kids assisting in raising, but then I realized the mom can not do it all.  Mrs. Duggar knows her kids very well, she just needs the help.  It got me thinking how I would run my household, I agree with every child having a job.  My liter,  (haa haa) would most defiantly have to partake in cleaning the house, dishes and yes, laundry, even though I would watch them like hawks, because laundry is my most favorite.  I guess if it gets done and is done correctly it would be okay.

The Duggars are home schooled, they know no different either.  I understand the home school system, and if done correctly it can be very successful, but I also feel it is of great importance for my children to learn in a diverse system where their peers are not carbon copies of themselves.  For me this is a well balanced form of education.  Don't get me wrong the essentials would be taught at home, right from wrong and don't do drugs, but how else are they going to learn and observe other kinds of cultures, religions and personas??  If for some reason one of my little ones was unable to handle learning in a public school environment, then I would, hands down, teach them at home.  A mother knows their child best.

Onto weekend festivities.  Spent all afternoon Friday watching, THE DUGGARS.  Stopped by to visit Natasha who I really thought would have had little Vito by now, but I guess he is too comfortable in her belly that he is just not ready!  Returned that damn RED BOX movie.  Never again will I deal with RED BOX.  They charge a buck a day for everyday you have the stupid movie.  I knew it was a dollar, but only a dollar!  I am sticking with Netflix.  Had dinner with Koo at Rio Grande.  It was so good, we even had space for sopa pia!  I love that dessert.  On Saturday, Natasha and I get our nails done, a must to for any weekend activity for me.  It was nice to catch up with my bestest for a little bit, until we had to prepare for her family baby shower.  Some mommies go into labor on their baby showers because of all the excitement, but Natasha did not, however she did have a bit of a cold.  It was another beautiful weekend, Natasha really had a nice baby shower with her family for sure.

Saw my sissy pooooooopppy.  Eli wanted me to go to MD with her Friday night, but honestly  am over any type of commuting that is like 30 mins outside my house.  LAZY?  No, just like to be close to home!  Hung out with Cortney, cute T pie!  I know my sister really misses us.  She is truly trying to find her balance and I feel she is doing a great job.  Then I came straight home and GUESS....  watched the DUGGARS!!

I have dinner with my brothers tonight, which I am very much looking forward to.  They are going to show me their Halloween costumes.  The Duggars do not celebrate Halloween by the way, but if they did, think of how many costumes they would have!!!!  I am trick or treating with Lucas and Matthew next weekend, what will I wear??  Suggestions???

1 comment:

  1. You are obsessed with that show!! HYSTERICAL!

    What costumes are the boys going to wear!?! I am totes wearing my Pocahontas costume... AGAIN. Crossroads is doing a Halloween special. :-)

    Have fun, love you!
